Shania Twain - That Don't Impress Me Much Lyrics

I am now in Facebook Jail. 

I am in Facebook Jail right now, so obviously, someone is 'not impressed much' with something I said.

The full story is that I have been temporarily locked out for 24 hours, from 7 pm last night to 7 pm tonight.  The allegation was that I made a 'hateful' comment about 'trans-gendered' people and that there were only two genders, not the '60-something' genders that some people believe they are.  

Someone obviously dobbed me in for 'hate speech'.  Okay, I may have called them 'trannies' but I didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings.  I feel sorry people with 'gender identity' issues, I don't hate them, the reason is they obviously suffer from what is known as 'gender dysphoria', and I have mentioned it many a time in this blog.

In other words, they have trouble understanding what their biological sex is.  I personally don't care who they think they are (as in what 'gender' they believe they are), as long as they don't go into whatever bathroom or public toilets they wish, and use it as an excuse to do something they shouldn't.  I fail to see how sexual 'perversion' (cross-dressing, going into the locker room or public toilet of their choice, voyeurism, or worse - the mind boggles what else should happen) is a 'civil right'.

And if one is really 'Fair Dinkum' about transitioning from one sex to another, I completely understand.  Blair White is one such example: she was once a 'he', and while she may not have undergone the full surgery, had she not mentioned being 'trans-gendered', I would not have been able to tell just by looking at her.  I get the impression she is fairly genuine about transitioning from male to female.

Unfortunately, there are other trans-gendered people that don't do a terribly good job of transitioning and they stick out like a sore thumb.  And whatever their reason, there will always be some people who will have concerns, especially about either the person themselves, or those around them.

For instance, if you are under 18 and not yet a fully-grown adult, should you be taking 'puberty' blockers and other hormones that are likely to upset your endocrine system, or even worse?  Should you be amputating perfectly healthy body parts, like breasts on women or penises and testicles on men?

And not to mention how many trans-gendered people actually take their own lives, even with a full sex change?  Or some who have actually 'de-transitioned' because they had learned the hard way that being a member of the opposite sex is not really what it was cracked up to be?

Okay, one might argue that they have as much right to be 'miserable' as everyone else.  I might argue that gay people might have the same rights to be as 'miserable' as straight people when it comes to marriage rights.  Hence, if they are as 'miserable' in a marriage as what a straight person would be if they were married, then it would not be my place to 'deny' them that 'right'.  One of these days, they will learn the hard way, just like straight people will.  And just like straight couples, gay couples will need to learn that relationships (especially marriages) take work, and that they just can't be a burden to the rest of us when the marriage falls apart (on the taxpayer and through the court system).

And if they decide to conceive and have children, it will be very hard to do it 'naturally'.  Hence, adoption or the 'turkey baster' (in-vitro fertilisation) are two options.  This also costs money, and the future offspring of these relationships will eventually bear the brunt of the decisions of their 'parents'.

Anyway, I digress from my original argument on the 'trans-gendered': all these artificial hormones and surgery are going to take their toll on the individual's health and those around them, as well as the public health system.  And being a child is tough enough, let alone when one suffers 'gender dysphoria' - I think parents need to step back and consider what underlying issues are there for a child that contribute to that child's unhappiness about being born a girl or a boy.  When a parent insists that the child is really a member of the opposite sex (when they aren't), without trying to get to the bottom of the problem, or considering what other options are available for that child, then that is enabling that kind of 'maladaptive' behaviour in the child.  That is very dangerous for the child.

And in my opinion, that is not a 'civil right' 

Anyway, I will be 'released' after 7 pm tonight.  In the meantime, Peace Out!!!  ✌☮️⚢⚣⚤⚥⚦⚧⚨⚩⚭⚮⚯⚰⚱⚲

(no) Cheers,

Night Owl
