The Latest...

Remember my blog, End Metallophobia?

Well, that blog is now combined with this: it is next to impossible these days to talk about Heavy Metal without someone referring to politics.  And with politics, comes free speech and debates.  This is good.

However, you need to take the good with the bad: free speech has its caveats including arguments, bullying, flaming, trolling....  Not to mention all the '-isms' that heavy metal gets associated with - Satanism, sexism, capitalism, communism and now (would you believe it)...  Racism!!! 

This is *despite* the fact that Metal is one of the most 'multicultural' genres on this planet!!!

The mind boggles....

But these days, *everything* is 'racist'!!! 😆

Anyway, watch this video, The Real Agenda Behind YouTube Censorship.  It shows Paul Joseph Watson and Tarl Warwick (Styxhexenhammer666), and at 7 minutes and 11 seconds, the subject of Heavy Metal comes up.  It used to be the 'Religious Right', now it is the so-called 'Progressive Left'.

In other words, same 💩💩💩, different 👥!!!!

Anyway, the link is here: if you are interested.

Night Owl 🦉
