Fat shaming was a lot more common years' ago - I was 'fat shamed' for so many years and it is not pleasant. And even though I am probably 'fatter' and/or 'uglier' now than what I was when people made fun of me (well at least by today's standards).
Not to mention that 'fat shaming' can lead to its nemesis - an eating disorder in the form of Bulimia or anorexia nervosa. We don't want young girls (or even young boys for that matter) to starve themselves.
So, in comes the 'plus size' movement - which cries out against 'fat shaming', unrealistic expectations on people regarding beauty standards (especially women), and unequal opportunities for such people.
This is all well and good when one has a genuine medical condition, physical disability, or maybe even a mental health problem. Or if someone is overweight but if their blood sugar levels are stable, is are the blood cholesterol is fine, and you exercise and eat properly, then being a 'bit big' is fine.
And on the other hand, if you are too skinny and sickly looking, you look pitiful and people pick on you and resent you because they think that too many other people pity the 'pitiful' thin person. Or maybe the skinny person provokes that fat person and that is wrong.
However, if you are morbidly obese and you expect everyone else to accommodate to your 'needs' because you think it is your right to be that size and take up the room, then thin and middle size people will be resentful of you too.
And 'hot guys' (I.e. really sexy ones with nice bodies) will not like you either - they have to try hard to see the 'inner beauty' and all they will do (at best) is try and butter you up, make fun of you, 'fetishise' you and (if that doesn't work) be really nasty.
But negative attention from guys can sometimes be better than none for some women - not because they are masochistic, but because they want to be 'right'.
And to me, being healthy is more important than being right because no one wins when everyone suffers :/
Night Owl
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What is your own take on this situation? How do you rise above the rot?