m o d e r n i t y

I seriously hope this guy (Paul Joseph Watson) stays on YouTube forever!!!!

This was a really funny video he made about the crazy SJW types and talent-less hacks we call celebrities.  I think he is wondering whatever happened to commonsense these days - especially overseas, but here in Australia to a lesser extent.

The weird thing is, that while I was not always sympathetic to the Christian 'right' (i.e. Tipper Gore, and the PMRC) all those years ago, I am now finding that they are making more sense as time gets on.

But then again, maybe I'm getting old.  Even to the point that I am now starting to sound like old Mrs Mangel from Neighbours (the long-running Australian TV soap opera, in case anyone doesn't know).

For some reason, YouTube has taken down this video so I can't see it on this blog.  Or maybe they've 'changed the algorithm' so it doesn't show up in this entry.  For some obscure reason, YouTube does this a lot, and to some content creators more than others (and particularly to people like Alex Jones and Paul Joseph Watson).  I think some of these creators are getting so annoyed they have considered moving to Bit Chute and and other video sharing platforms like them.

Like I say, whatever happened to commonsense?  My answer (to this question that I ask myself everyday) is, 'The Mind Boggles'!!!

Anyway, I watched a video on the weekend by Gerald Pauschmann and he does a Saturday morning Live Stream called 'Waffles and Whiskey'.  I don't often watch live-streams, not even on YouTube, because sometimes the internet 'jams up' and slows down to a snail's pace.  But on last Saturday's episode of Waffles and Whiskey, he quoted a 'poem' mourning the 'death' of commonsense, which is (unfortunately) 'killed' by political correctness.

I am very much interested in doing some social research on this - whatever happened to commonsense?  As it has really pretty much 'died in the arse' as far as I'm concerned, and a lot of it has been to do with too many personal 'freedoms', including sexual freedom, and these 'freedoms' are not coupled with responsibility.  Anyone can put their own twist on it, and maybe it doesn't suit everyone's narrative or situation, but this is what I am finding out more and more.

Seee you soon.

Night Owl

PS. Originally published on the 17th of June, 2019; updated on the 23rd of June, 2020.
