It was kind of funny, but mostly gross (particularly the jokes about abortion)!!!
And while it is one thing to be a feminist and take down men, it is another to throw other women under the bus. These include: Megyn Kelly, Anne Coulter, Ivanka Trump, even Rachel Maddow, but particularly Sarah Huckabee Sanders (who was standing in for the U.S. president).
Okay, it is her right to make these bad jokes but I wonder how she would feel if someone criticised her opinion or joked about her past, and the things that she was done for?
Like being busted for doing unsavoury things with dogs (which I won't go into but you most likely get the picture.
I had, however, heard that myth had been debunked so don't quote me on it (a bit like Trump and his 'pussy grabbing', Hillary (and her 'spirit cooking') or anyone else that has had things brought up about their background or personal interests).
Or maybe she is just fond of dogs and people will often say what they want. Or, as an article in Current Affairs states:
At various points, she talks about: Bill Cosby, menstruation, scrotums, abortion, assassinating the president, Caitlyn Jenner, male nipples, yeast infections, and bestiality. (“When gay people wanted to get married, you were like ‘We can’t let that happen because then they’re going to start fucking dogs.’ Yeah, you only ever said that because you thought about fucking a dog.”)Not surprising where people got the 'bestiality' thing from - and now it has come to *bite* her on the bum!!! ယ
Anyway, read this article in the Conservative Tribune re James Woods calling out Michelle Wolf on Twitter over her remarks about these women; and good on him for doing so (in much the same way the 'male feminists' are happy to call out Trump for his remarks about women) - it takes a good man to step up to the plate and defend women but especially when the remarks about them are uncalled for, as was in the case of Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
Night Owl
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