A *very* good reason why I said 'no'

Here are two articles that put forward a strong case for 'no' when it came to accepting changes to marriage laws to accommodate gay couples here in Australia.

Here are three articles about the Quartet of Truth, four children of homosexual couples who tell of their experiences with their homosexual parents.

The full version of this article is in the Washington Times.

Two shortened versions of this article are in Jews News and the Right Scoop.

The headline for both is:
Children of homosexuals speak out AGAINST same-sex marriage, tell of unpleasant upbringings
Apparently, anything goes in relationships these days; and for some of these kids state that being the child of a homosexual couple means being exposed to things that most children shouldn't have to witness or experience (or 'endure' in my own words - and that is putting it mildly)!!!

I won't go into the details there, but let's just say that these children are (as how the writers put it): 
'...their parents’ inability to marry has deprived them of legal protections and hampered them from living their otherwise typical lives'.

These legal protections include:

  • The 'right to live'; and
  • The 'right to have a relationship with his or her mother and father'
Even the courts allow  the children divorced or separated heterosexual couples (which I know also have their issues) to interact with both their mother and father (unless something is very wrong).

Of course, nobody's perfect, but at least children under those couples get to know what it is like to have *both* a mother and a father.

This 'benefit', sadly, isn't extended to children of homosexual couples (unless the biological parent of the child has been married to a partner of the opposite sex for a long time).

And while I am not entirely against the idea of 'marriage equality' - okay, if they are mature enough to decide for themselves and they don't have kids of their own - one must not ignore the likely negative effects of these relationships on children.

And even if kids aren't sexually abused themselves, one paragraph (quote) by one of the participants (Ms Klein) really stood out in my mind:
While I do not believe all gays would be de-facto bad parents, I know that the gay community has never in my lifetime put children first as anything other than a piece of property, a past mistake or a political tool to be dressed up and taken out as part of a dog-and-pony show to impress the well-meaning,” wrote Ms. Klein, adding that her mother and her partner of 25 years were both deceased and can “never hurt me again.”
And there is also no doubt in my mind that straight parents do the same thing too, though it isn't quite as politicised as it is for gay couples.

And something else bothers me too - these parents (though they might have some very normal, average interests outside their lifestyle choices) one must still consider that though they have choices, the children don't.  

These children need to be heard, and badly too.

(no) cheers,
Night Owl 🦉

I used to love rainbows until they got 'hijacked' :(
