A Very Successful Campaign in the UK


Even though I am not from the UK, nor is the way I dress as 'out there' as Ms Sophie Lancaster, I am very happy to read that her parents, who have lead the campaign to have crimes against goths and other people who are from alternative subcultures recognized as 'hate crimes', in much the same way people from other races, sexual orientations, transgendered persons, those of other religions and those with disabilities.

Finally, after 5 years, Greater Manchester Police have officially recognized crimes against goths, emos, skaters, punks and metalheads, as hate crimes, and will now record them as such.

This has yet to happen in other parts of the UK, as well as in other countries, including the USA, so they still have a long way to go.  Let's hope this law gets enforced sooner than later in other parts of the world, so that we can peacefully display our love of our music and scenes, without fear of persecution.

Night Owl
