Genres Other Than Metal

Okay, for those reading this blog entry, you will probably be wondering what I'm talking about. Well, here goes.

For the purposes of comparison with heavy metal, I have decided to coin the abbreviation GOTM (Genres Other Than Metal).

This is not to say that GOTMs have nothing in common with Metal.

For instance, some genres like punk, blues, hard rock or prog rock, can be very heavy. But a band like Pink Floyd, for instance, aren't quite the same as say, Motley Crue. Neither are the Sex Pistols, the Cure, or the Gang of Four are like Iron Maiden. Or neither could you say Muddy Waters or George Thoroughgood like Napalm Death? Or even Bon Jovi or Aerosmith have anything in common with Dark Throne or Burzum (even though they exist under the same category of 'heavy metal')? Technically, all these genres share some commonalities with Heavy Metal, because they are loud and distorted, yet there are some differences in the lyrics, the image of it's followers, or even the techniques used

Other GOTM's, like Rap or dance music, for instance, may be very similar because their lyrics are also heavily scrutinized, but are technically very different.

Other GOTMs, like Goth, Industrial or Punk, have similar effects on the mind (either through the music itself, or through the lyrics), but aren't Heavy Metal in the strict sense of the word.

So, this leads us to look for a definition of 'what is heavy metal'? How is it different from all the other genres (or GOTMs)? How is it similar? We cannot define what is a heavy metal fan unless we know what heavy metal is? And if this is the case, we cannot compare how the music, its bands and its fans, are treated in relation to those who follow GOTMs.

Night Owl
