The term LGBT has now extended to 'include' all those people who might now want to be 'included' - though I am asexual/grey/demi, I feel I am lumped in with these other 'groups' - like almost anything goes. 🌈🌈🌈🌈
I don't want to be lumped in with people who might want to get me into trouble for 'mis-gendering' them, using the 'wrong' pronouns' or terms, or 'mis-characterising' them, - and especially when it ruins people's lives.
There was one case of a maths teacher that addressed a who class of female students as 'girls' (despite one of these being 'trans male') - despite being well-intentioned, he still risked losing his job.
And another case involved a little girl calling a little boy by the wrong name (and she had to call him by his new 'female' name and pronoun, simply because he identified as a girl).
So while I am no stranger to sexism myself, and I am glad too see that the blatant male chauvinism or misogyny that existed during my younger years is now starting to diminish; however, it is starting to be replaced by something that even I (as a more 'old school' feminist) have trouble getting my head around. And if I keep seeing it, then I would predict a likely backlash and I would hate to see that happen too. 😬😬😬
(no) cheers,
Night Owl 🦉
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What is your own take on this situation? How do you rise above the rot?