Quote by Aldous Huxley:
As political and economic freedom diminishes,
Sexual freedom tends compensatingly to increase.
'Re-quoted' by Paul Joseph Watson 👍
Watch the video to find out why the mainstream (supposedly left-wing and/or liberal) media is quick to defend gay rights (and other 'individual' rights) over the political and economic rights in alot of the poorer countries like Russia, and completely ignore more 'conservative' issues like the Christians in Syria.
Ironically, they will ignore gay rights in poorer countries like Syria, or Saudi Arabia - where gays are no doubt killed for their lifestyle choices.
PJW also refers to the advertising of 'gay rights' and outlines the difference between tolerance and propaganda (with the former being tolerance of people's lifestyle choices and the latter is when you have to embrace it.. or else...).
He also states that such advertising and PR can have the adverse effect of dividing and conquering a nation, thus failing to see a common thread between the LGBT community and everyone else. And he uses an ad (presumably from the 2014 winter Olympics in Russia) where gays are stereotyped in a seemingly belittling way (which not only would annoy some gay people who don't like to be typecast in that way, but also confirm in the minds of more conservative-minded persons the ideas that they have in their minds already).
And it also has the added effect of taking the public's minds off the more important issues on hand, like our basic economic and political rights, like the right to hold down good jobs, earn decent wages and enjoy good living and working conditions; and other rights like that to privacy, freedom of speech and the right to defend ourselves.
Hence, this is another reason why I am annoyed when I hear about gay rights and see rainbows (which are constantly in our faces with their clashes of colour etc etc). It is also a distraction from issues that affect me personally, like health, welfare, education and good jobs; and another reason why I can't wait until this postal plebiscite comes through.
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What is your own take on this situation? How do you rise above the rot?